
Cancellation / "No-Show" Policy


We ask that you please cancel your class 12 hours prior to class, otherwise you will be charged for the session and members will receive a $20 "Late Cancelation" Fee or a $25 "No-Show" Fee.

Personal Training

Please cancel your private training session 24 hours prior to your scheduled session. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the appointment the cancellation will result in the loss of the session or the entire amount of the session will be charged to the credit card on file.


When a class you want is full, you may add yourself to the waitlist and, as spots open, we will release them in the order you put yourself onto it. We will add from the waitlist up to 90 minutes before class. Plus be sure to check our online schedule to grab last-minute openings in class.

Waitlist Rules

● Managing your waitlist is your responsibility. Our app makes it easy and you’ll also want to be sure to opt in to receive waitlist notifications via text. Text START to 1-609-372-2569.

● By waitlisting a class, you’re saying you’ll take the class if you get into it.

● You can cancel or decline the waitlisted spot up to 90 minutes before class at no charge.

● If you no show the reservation, it’s considered a charged No Show.

● We ask that you please manage your schedule including waitlists through our app.

● Pay special attention for early classes. If you don’t want to be added from the waitlist to an early morning class, remove yourself from the waitlist before you go to bed.

● When you get into a class, make sure to cancel any other waitlisted back up classes or reservations immediately, so you do not get added to multiple classes and get charged for classes you don’t attend.

Membership Cancellation

No cancellations can occur until the 3 month contract has been fulfilled. After the 3 month contract a written request to cancel must be given 30 days prior to next billing date.